Our Claim Process | Deposit Hero


We’ve summarised our claim process in six easy steps below. If you have any questions about our process or Deposit Hero please contact us via email or WhatsApp.

Initial Enquiry

Using our website, Facebook/Instagram advert or WhatsApp we’ll take all required information during your initial enquiry.

First Contact

Based on your contact preferences we will then contact you and ask for anymore required information to run a claim check. You can also run a claim check by using our form located at http://www.mydeposithero.co.uk/start-my-claim/

Claim Check

Using your post code, deposit payment date, surname and size of deposit we will then run a deposit check using the three government deposit protection schemes.

Alternatively if you would like to check yourself, all you need to do is enter your tenancy details into these three websites:




Your Claim

If your deposit checks come back positive we will contact you with details on the size of your potential claim. If you would like to continue with the claim we will now provide you with a link to our questionnaire which can be completed on mobile, laptop or pc.


The questionnaire will gather your contact details and anyone else who was named on the tenancy agreement. We will also ask some questions about the landlord and the tenancy and give you the opportunity to upload a copy of your tenancy agreement and any evidence you may have of the deposit and rentals being paid.

After we receive your completed questionnaire we will check over the details and evidence and contact you requesting anything else that we need.

Passing your claim to our solicitors

Once we have collected all the information we need and prepared your claim pack we will ask you for permission to pass your details to our panel of solicitors. You will then be contacted by our solicitors about their process and the next steps for taking the claim forward.